Bonjour aux athlètes!

Athlètes Bonjour aux athlètes! Bienvenue sur le Portail d’apprentissage d’OS. Vous trouverez sur cette page des occasions d’apprentissage et des formations conçues pour vous soutenir dans une variété de domaines au-delà du sport, comme le leadership des athlètes, la prise de parole en public et le perfectionnement des habiletés. Nous vous invitions à visiter le site Web de votre section provinciale ou territoriale pour voir la gamme de formations et de ressources qui vous sont offertes.

Learn how to become more cybersecure and prevent cybercriminals from getting your information online.

SOAthlete Leaders have the opportunity to become active members of their local Community Council.  They can do this by applying to be a  Community Athlete Representative which is going to be explored in this course.

This course covers different fundraising techniques. It covers planning, development and fundraising options that athletes can contribute to in their local community and the Special Olympics organization.

This course helps prepare athletes to use their voice in a meaningful way both in and outside of Special Olympics. It helps prepare athletes for roles on board and committees.

This course teaches athletes how to create a PowerPoint, from the planning stages, topic development, important content, and editing.

This course different tips and tricks on how to write, prepare and deliver a speech. It provides ideas on how to organize your speech and how to cater to your audience.

This course is helps athletes learn how to stay connected with teammates, coaches, family and friends. It identifies different types of social media, how to safely use them through privacy features.

This course offers different tips and tricks on how to take better photos and videos which is helpful when sharing and promoting Special Olympics events in your community and beyond.

This course is made up of 7 separate lessons and a total of 6 different topics, including: Sun Safety, Personal Hygiene, Hydration, Healthy Eating, Exercise, and Smoking

Formation de base à l’intention des animateurs de formation du Programme de leadership pour athlètes